Tag: creativity

  • Energize the Moment–a Quick Way to Reduce Stress!

    Love this video as it is not just fun to watch but is also a great trigger to feel lighter, brighter feelings that generate happy flowing energy. It reminds me that the ordinary can become extraordinary if seen through creative eyes. What are some things you have done to turn “ordinary moments” into extraordinary?

  • Work Less, Stress Less…Save the Economy?

    Great article on the benefits of working less and living more…perhaps a challenge, but one that appears to be possible if we tap our latent creativity! What would it take for you to implement such changes?

  • Consciousness, Connection and Creative Solutions

    “In the midst of crisis, human beings finally learn about the ultimate currency: the power of connection”. Here is a fascinating approach to some of our global issues from a grassroots local level. http://www.transitionnetwork.org/ When we focus on expanding our consciousness/energy and open to the possibility of what can happen instead of the falling away…

  • Energy, Spirit and the Creative Process

    Are you creative? Do you wish you were? What is the connection between energy, spirit and the creative process? How does early life experience impact the creative flow and the ability to express ourselves creatively in the world? Join us on Monday morning @ 10 A.M. when we will be discussing these issues and more…

  • “Supra-sexual Co-creation”–Energy, Relationships and Evolution

    Peg, Tony and I would love to have you join us for our radio show on Monday Dec.7, 2009 at 10 A.M. — our topic will be The Energy of Relationships. We will be discussing the energy of attraction as well as the common energetic flows between people that can help or harm relationships. Through…

  • Work smarter, not harder!

    Recent studies in neuroscience are supporting chilling out, day dreaming and a don’t worry, be happy attitude in order to be more productive and creative…something regular meditators experience as a by product of their practice along with health benefits and a less stressful life! A Wandering Mind Heads Straight Toward Insight Researchers Map the Anatomy…