Tag: consciousness
How to Let Go of Anxiety and Master Change
The mind is awareness on a continuum. Think about it as a river that flows and your experience of it is a function of where you place your attention. Whatever area you focus on becomes reality for that time with all its attendant resources and ecology. If you focus on the portion of the river…
How to move out of ego into peace and wholeness
Ego-Mind and the Heart Chakra The lower self or ego-mind correlates with the first three chakras. Unbalanced energies there manifest in preoccupations anchored in fear, misdirected passion, power struggles and identity problems. Developing the Observer Self and the Heart Chakra we can heal the lower chakra energies and move into higher states of consciousness. The…
5 Ways to Balance the Throat Chakra
Working with the throat chakra can help to transcend fear and transmute the lower emotions to unconditional joy. This energy center also has a lot to do with the ability to hold an awareness of both the subtle & the material worlds. Stimulating the throat chakra can help increase the richness and tone of your…
Reboot Your Subconscious Mind for Health and Well-Being
Information regarding our internal state is always coming to us in many ways. Our physical, emotional and mental faculties are always giving clues about our energy and inner being as well as about people, places and things in our environment.
Are You an Empath? The Gift in the Challenge
Have you been told you are too sensitive by family, friends, teachers, co-workers? This is often our experience when we are an empath, E.G. particularly sensitive to subtle energy. Being an empath is different from being empathic.