Tag: consciousness
Anger, Stress and Your Heart: Knowledge Shifts Toxic Effects
This post discusses the energetic effects of anger on the heart and Heart Chakra
Intention: moving beyond ego into higher consciousness and creativity
To be able to truly move beyond the ego, the lower mind with its average thinking process, into the realm of pure awareness or higher consciousness, requires detachment from the compelling vibrations of lower thought and feeling forms. Working with your energy centers: clearing, balancing and uplifting your energetic frequency allows you to both move…
Stress Release for Increased Energy, Inner Peace and Deeper Sleep
Stress release, letting go of fear and expanding consciousness are all facilitated through conscious energy management. Two Practices for Stress Release Centering and grounding energy as a key way to reduce anxiety and stress as well as a means of maintaining your energy supply. Those practices are two important ways to maintain and manage your…
3 Types of Chakra Blockages and Methods for Release
Methods to Release Energy Blockages [caption id="" align="alignleft" width="300"] Image via Wikipedia[/caption]
Energy Coherence: Tips to Create a Healthy, Flowing Aura
When we know how our field is disturbed then we can introduce a healthy pattern e.g. add color, change frequency, develop coherence, process emotions, or shift belief patterns to assist with healing or avoid illness. We can physically bring in new energy at the pre- cellular level and create new patterns.
Your Energy System and an Important Requirement for Intuition, Healing and Creating
Since our energy system is what underlies our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual selves it makes sense that the shape it is in will profoundly affect all areas of our lives. It is our primary immune system, as well as the vehicle for manifestation and interaction with our external world.