Tag: Choice

  • 5 Ways to Balance the Throat Chakra

    5 Ways to Balance the Throat Chakra

    Working with the throat chakra can help to transcend fear and transmute the lower emotions to unconditional joy. This energy center also has a lot to do with the ability to hold an awareness of both the subtle & the material worlds. Stimulating the throat chakra can help increase the richness and tone of your…

  • 4 Tips for Using Intuition to Make Decisions

    4 Tips for Using Intuition to Make Decisions

    Our intuition can be experienced through our energy system and can be a great help in the support when making decisions.  Here are some thoughts re: how to use intuition effectively. ★As you open to Universal Energies, intuition can give you the motivation to begin or to follow through with your goals, dreams and desires.…

  • 8 Steps for Resolutions That Stick

    8 tips to help you make resolutions that fit for you and help to energize rather than stress you! [caption id="attachment_13982" align="alignleft" width="250"] Photo by Sonia’s View[/caption]

  • What if You Were Your Best Friend?

    What if your were your won best friend? What effect would that have on your life?[caption id="attachment_13966" align="alignleft" width="250"] Photo by Sonia’s View[/caption]

  • Choosing Consciously

    [singlepic id=31 w=320 h=240 float=left]Today’s Daily Om inspirational essay about conscious decisions coincides nicely with the thought I’d like to share today: taking personal responsibility for yourself leads to an empowered and authentic life. This in turn supports better physical, mental and emotional health, resulting in overall well-being and happiness. When we make conscious decisions…