Tag: Caregiver
Understanding How to Deal withToxic Anger, Stress and Energy Improves Health
Faces and Responses of Anger Have you ever felt that red hot angry energy that builds up in you and creates the sense that you may explode at any moment? How about that seething inner burn that feels like it is frying your nerve endings? How do you know when anger is building in you?…
Moving From Empathy to Compassion
Compassion fatigue has become a familiar phrase over this past year. The following excerpt notes the difference between empathy and compassion which points us in the direction of being able to connect with others in healthy ways that help both parties with no negative effects. The link to the whole article is at the bottom…
Laughter Opens and Charges Your Energy Field Helping to Reduce Stress
Laughter can be a wonderful aid in helping us to reduce stress. Here are some fun ways of thinking about serious issues from Swami Beyondananda “FUN-da-Mental Pointers” “1. Be a fundamentalist, make sure fun always comes before the mental. Realize that life is a situation comedy that will never be cancelled. A laugh track has…
How can caring too much become an energy crisis?
Caring for others, be it an elderly parent, a relative, a child, or a friend, is one of the highest forms of human service. However, altruism aside, caring for others often means that you put their needs before your own. You set aside your desires and wishes for another day, a day when you’ll have…
Poor Self Care and Burnout: Foundations of Neglect
Self care and burnout…why? I became interested in the notion of stress and burnout through my own professional and personal experience! Now I am really committed to offering information and practices that can help others either avoid it or recover from it. Culture, self care and burnout Our culture generally does not value self-care. It…
Burnout Prevention: Identifying Unconscious Blocks to Self Care
Burnout Prevention, Self Care and Time You may think that you don’t have time to care for yourself while caring for others. The reality is we don’t have time not to since a lack of self care will always lead to a depletion of inner resources. Identify Patterns to Prevent Burnout A typical pattern when care…