Tag: boundaries
How to Recognize Energy Drains: What you need to know
When thinking about energy drains an important thing to consider is our own boundaries. Vampires may cruise and look for energy, but there has to be an entry point for them to hook and deplete us. We all have life experience that have impacted our energy fields and left us vulnerable. By looking at some…
Solar plexus chakra: Excesses and deficiency of energy and personal power
Solar Plexus Chakra, self esteem, and boundaries Psychologically, our sense of self, our personal integrity, esteem, and worth rest in the solar plexus. The energy/vibration we hold regarding our sense of self influences our capacity to set strong, firm, yet flexible boundaries. The lower centers set the stage for boundary keeping, but it is the…
Holiday Relationship Rescue: Four Tips for Managing Relationship Stress
Relationship Stress is a Serious Challenge During Holidays! Family get togethers, office parties, neighborhood gatherings—at this time of year we have so any opportunities for encountering the relationship dynamics that exist in our lives. At other times of the year they may be less apparent, more able to recede into the background or be avoided…