Tag: Body
Stress Release for Increased Energy, Inner Peace and Deeper Sleep
Stress release, letting go of fear and expanding consciousness are all facilitated through conscious energy management. Two Practices for Stress Release Centering and grounding energy as a key way to reduce anxiety and stress as well as a means of maintaining your energy supply. Those practices are two important ways to maintain and manage your…
Chakra Health, Focus and Concentration: How Your Energy Impacts Your Ability
Many of us find great difficulty staying focused as increasingly the world encourages multitasking. Once highly prized multitasking has been found to not only be ineffective and inefficient but also unhealthy for our brains![caption id="attachment_13401" align="alignleft" width="300"] Photo by Sonia’s View[/caption]
6 Stress Management Tips to Really Boost Your Energy
These 6 Stress Management Tips can help ease the adjustment of the back to school rush and shift out of summer mode into Fall routines. September often feels like another New Year! Whether it is the back to school rush or the shift to new routines, we can all use some reminders about how to…
The Hidden Problem With Positivity
What’s the trouble with being positive? [caption id="attachment_14910" align="alignleft" width="250"] Photo by Sonia’s View[/caption]