Tag: Barbara Brennan
What is Your Energetic Blueprint (Soul-Print)?
We each have our own energetic imprint. This means many things of course, but it is one aspect that is often overlooked when working with energy. We each are truly unique and have our own “soulprint”. One way of viewing that is …
What are the Characteristics of a Healthy Root Chakra?
Over the years when working with and teaching about chakras and energy people have often asked me, “How do you know when your root chakra is balanced?” In answer to that I compiled a summary sheet with key words and phrases to help answer that question. The words and phrases can also be used to…
Your Aura Pattern Speaks Volumes. What Does Yours Say About YOU!
We each have our own energetic imprint. This means many things of course, but it is one aspect that is often overlooked when working with energy. We each are truly unique and have our own “soulprint”.