Tag: Awareness
Negativity and Subtle Energy Competency: a New Approach
What is the best way to deal with negativity? [caption id="attachment_14513" align="alignleft" width="250"] Photo by Sonia’s View[/caption]
Stress Reduction Practice and Energy Tip
Stress Reduction Practice and Energy Tip Today if I begin to feel that old tension or struggle begin to claim space within, I remind myself to shift to feeling: What if it/this were easy?
The human energy field (aura) is composed of chakras (energy centers) and meridians (energy channels). Chakras are reservoirs of energy. Meridians disperse chakra energy throughout the body organ systems. Our auras are influenced by core beliefs, expectations, and judgments. The strength, flow, and frequencies of our energy systems influence our mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual…
Your Chakra System is a Map of Consciousness
Chakra System: Map of consciousness for moving from concept to reality Fully Human Fully Alive: Embodying the Wisdom of the Chakras Excerpted from INTRODUCTION You wander from room to room hunting for the diamond necklace that is already around your neck ~ Jellaludin Rumi The world is meant to be free in You are not…
How Do Disruptions of Energy Flow Impact the Ability to Flourish?
Disruptions of Energy Flow and How They Occur As mentioned previously, when we are stressed or threatened, our energy flow is increased to prepare for fight or flight. If neither of these is possible or chosen, we override the impulse even though the body has been energized. Repetition of situations that we cannot overcome results…
5 Tips for Eliminating the Modern Day Energy Vampire
Modern day vampires are not thieves who come in the night and drain our energy. Today they are right out in front of us€â€on our desks, night stands, in our living rooms, pockets and pocketbooks. €¦techno-vampires!