Tag: Anahata
The New Human: Spiritual Evolution, Compassion and Connection
Compassionate care demonstrated in real time, a visible shift of grief, all caught on biofeedback!
Intuition, Energy Awareness and Second Attention
What are the benefits of shifting how we pay attention?
Chakras Unplugged Workshop April 2, 2016 in Wilton, NH
Living from an energetic perspective is a process and a goal…at best it is a feeling of seamless flow, a sense of being centered in your heart, deeply in touch with soul qualities of beauty, peace and wholeness.
Awareness of Subtle Energy Improves Health, Wealth and Happiness
Do you sense subtle energy in your everyday life? CONSCIOUS ENERGY MANAGEMENT
What Does Co-Dependent Energy “Look Like”?
A loving heart is not something that we cognitively decide to have.