Tag: Anahata
How Heart Chakra Energy Influences Everyday Life
Our heart energy is affected by all our experience not just the profound issues just mentioned so it is important to pay attention and be mindful about the activity involved and take steps to be more consciously in charge of this powerful energy.
Chakra Energy: Windows to Your Health, Personality and Soul
Knowledge regarding specific energy properties and methods that develop subtle energy competency provide you with the ability to enhance your physical, psychological and spiritual well-being.
How the Heart Chakra Influences Emotional Well Being
Emotional well being and Energy When our subtle energy is abundant, free flowing and of an optimal frequency our physical health and emotional well being are positively affected. When those three conditions are met within our energy systems we feel good! Emotional Well Being and the Heart Chakra Poets, Mystics and Philosophers speak of our…
Chakra Health, Focus and Concentration: How Your Energy Impacts Your Ability
Many of us find great difficulty staying focused as increasingly the world encourages multitasking. Once highly prized multitasking has been found to not only be ineffective and inefficient but also unhealthy for our brains![caption id="attachment_13401" align="alignleft" width="300"] Photo by Sonia’s View[/caption]
Third Chakra: Personal Power and Freedom from Stress and Guilt
understanding each of the chakras and how they operate can facilitate releasing all that blocks the free expression of our deepest authentic nature
Chakras, Creativity and Change: How Can Your Energy Help Ease the Way?
Consciously embracing how energy moves through our systems related to the creative process lifts us out of old default patterns that bring stress, conflict and lots of what we don’t want.