Tag: Anahata
Questions for Assessing the Health of Your Crown Chakra
Is it hard to believe/feel that you have the power to create and influence your life? Are limitations difficult to accept? Do you have difficulty with detachment? Do you easily become distracted, or experience information overload? Do you believe in fate? Are you unclear about your purpose in life? Do you doubt the existence of…
Evaluating Your Third Eye
Here are some questions that can help you evaluate the state of your brow chakra and its function. The greater number of ‘yes’ answers the greater degree of imbalance.
Heart and Mind: Making Peace with Conflicting Agendas and Goals
Below is a link to a nice article on abundance, compassion and the heart. It is often difficult to tease out the finer points of these issues in everyday life and relationships. This article presents a simple, clear understanding that can be applied to our lives.
A Balanced Heart Chakra Reduces Stress
Below is a list of characteristics that are typical of a balanced heart chakra.
Heart Chakra: Exploring Beliefs
Here are some questions that can help you to asses the issues that may need addressing in regard to the heart chakra—we all have them!
Is Your Heart Chakra Balanced?
Having an open, healing heart requires you to objectively explore and release core wounds and pains. It includes learning what true forgiveness means€¦for others, but for yourself as well. These steps toward healing are what allow you to progress toward the qualities of unconditional love and compassion.