Tag: Alternative
How Does Emotional Intelligence Ease Stress and Change?
Balancing the sacral chakra allows emotion to freely move through our systems. Just as flowing water is purifying, refreshing and revitalizing so it is with feelings set in motion without resistance but also with proper channeling. When the energy here is open, flowing and balanced we are responsive, intuitive, buoyant, and full of dreams and…
5 Tips to Reduce Stress and Boost Vitality: Managing Your Energy for Well Being
Your energy system has a direct influence on your mind, body and spirit. It impacts your health, your moods, your outlook on life and much more. By setting up an “energetic framework” at the start of the day and then tuning into your personal energy level throughout the day you will feel better and begin…
How Can Our Energy Systems Help to Cope with Personal and Societal Change ?
As we navigate times of change (that would be life!), it is helpful to know which of our core issues may be being triggered and in need of balancing/healing. The following chart gives you an idea of which issues reside in which energy center.
Are Your Chakras Blocked?
This article discusses the various ways chakras become damaged. [caption id="attachment_13241" align="alignleft" width="250"] Photo by Sonia’s View[/caption]
What Are Effective Tools for Change, Shifting Beliefs and Strengthening Energy?
Everyday mind, beliefs and change It may be difficult to discover beliefs that are blocking our forward movement from the level of the everyday mind. This is one reason why inner technologies such as imagery, visualization, self- hypnosis, relaxation and meditation are so beneficial. It is not enough to KNOW ABOUT beliefs ( what they…
Your Energy Field, Consciousness, Health and Self Care
Benefits Working directly with energy & consciousness provides you with an easier and more powerful method for change, health, development of higher level functions such as intuition, creativity and insight and achievement of goals [caption id="attachment_11374" align="alignleft" width="224"] Photo by Sonia’s View[/caption]