Subtle Energy: The Internet of Mind,Body and Spirit

SC-296-Autumn--Leaf---Close-up-IMG_5327Subtle energy competency helps to remove the obstacles to true emotional freedom and provides greater access to our higher capacity for creativity, intuition and spirituality.

We all sense subtle energy, although we may not always realize it. Clairvoyants are especially gifted with the ability to see subtle energy. Some people are gifted with this ability from birth, but the truth is we all possess this capacity and can develop it.

While most people do not see energy, most do sense its existence and respond to it on a daily basis but don’t realize it. Our common language can begin to give us some hints about what is occurring energetically within us, but also between us and others.

Have you ever said, thought or felt: “I feel blue,” “My heart is heavy,” “I feel so empty,” “It’s like I’ve been knifed in the back,” “I feel so full of joy,” “My heart is glad.” These statements are actually descriptive of something that correlates with an effect in your field.

Biofeedback instruments show that the person who reports feeling blue is, in fact, emitting the frequency of energy our eye sees as blue. The person who reports feeling heavy or sad in the heart is actually experiencing a lower frequency of energy – one which is slower than that of joy or happiness. That person may also be experiencing a constriction of the flow or amount of energy through the heart chakra area.

Emptiness is a reflection of a depletion or lack of energy; joy is a fullness of lighter, faster moving energy, and the knife in the back reveals the experience of negative thought or emotional energy directed toward a person.

When you understand the dynamics of your personal energy field, you not only have a deeper perspective, but also more options available to address the health of your whole being —thoughts, feelings, sensations and beliefs.

Energy awareness also provides you with more resources to be able to shift out of negative states more quickly so you can experience greater happiness. In addition, being able to sense and manage your subtle energy allows you to maximize your efforts to create change and attract new possibilities into your life.

Until we are aware of how things really function in our lives we are at the mercy of time to pass or for external circumstances to change to get relief or resolution of our issues.

Unfortunately this does not work for real resolution or inner freedom and it leaves us in a dis-empowered position.

Although we may feel once an event is over that the problem or the emotional state connected with it has disappeared, but what is more likely is that it has been driven deeper into our system, out of awareness, but not necessarily out of range of affecting our lives.

Working on an energetic level addresses all of you – mind, body and spirit –and is a major step on the road to empowerment and one that goes beyond simply learning new ways to THINK about things.