
Navigating Stress and Fear in Uncertain Times: The Gift and the Challenge

Join Us in Conversation …Tony Pace and Karen Kallie
A Conversation to help manage Stress in these Times of Uncertainty
Zoom Meeting (to join see details below)
Monday 23, 2020 @ 4PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Connection, support and creativity are important contributors to mental, physical and emotional health and well being in any time. In challenging times we need to find new solutions and ways to enhance health and well being..We invite you to join us in a conversation focused on ways to do just that! Bring your ideas, questions and suggestions as we navigate our national timeout together.

Here are some topics that we have thought about but the conversation will be guided by what is on your mind.
Techniques for Reducing stress
How to Boost immunity: A Three Step Approach
Inner Technologies for Moving Beyond Fear
Simple Methods to Promote Inner Peace
Emotional Contagion: Separating Personal and Societal Reactivity
Tapping Laughter and Music to maintain Balance and Equilibrium
Using Gratitude and Compassion to Trigger Chemistry of Health

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