Stress and PTSD in Current Times: What Can Help

PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder) is typically thought of if someone has been through a catastrophic event or been in a war zone or experienced some form of trauma. What we now know is that there are other situations that can produce the symptoms of PTSD. I suspect that our 24/7 news cycle which brings world events into our homes have an effect on us even if we are not totally aware of it.
I think we need to know what is happening and need the awareness that reporting can bring in terms of expanding our consciousness. My concern is the lack of awareness of what the effect of witnessing dysfunction, inequality and violence over and over have on each of us. The answer is not to stop the news but to manage our responses in a conscious, healthy and responsible way.

Managing fight/flight responses opens us to more positive, loving solutions.

Modern Life and PTSD
Current world events as well as stressful lifestyles and world/weather events easily create feelings of overwhelm, anger, frustration, and conflict. It becomes easy to devolve into blame or victim hood.  These mental or emotional states weaken us. The path forward is to note where the feelings are coming from within us. Once we are clear within ourselves we can know what action is most appropriate. If we do not begin with ourselves an energy state that creates inner turmoil, stress and mental, emotional and physical weakness may be perpetuated.

Mind Power Alleviates Symptoms of PTSD
Our minds are always involved in stress. Our brain has a bias toward thinking negatively so even our hard-wiring predisposes us to stress! That being the case we must take charge of ourselves and engage in practices that help shift this in a direction that serves us.

At first glance it can seem uncaring to leave our negative mind states and communications to focus on working to shift to higher states of consciousness  when so many are suffering so much. But we may ask, how does it serve another to feel as downtrodden, sad, or grief stricken as they do’? We can only help others if we work at keeping ourselves strong and healthy. It is then we can help to raise them in whatever way is appropriate or possible.

So while we need to do what we can in terms of donations of time, money or service to those in need, we also need to be aware of our mental and emotional states. It is easy to become caught in emotional loops and fool yourself into thinking it is the same as or part of participating, caring or helping.

It can also be difficult to shift to a higher state of consciousness/higher vibration with personal stress of high magnitude. We all know how difficult it can be to shift out of overwhelming emotional states. It really requires having a multifaceted approach to stress management. Of course if we have an ongoing lifestyle that includes this multifaceted approach, it can be easier, but generally we need to upgrade our tactics when faced with large stressful events or life stages.

A Comprehensive Approach to Stress is One that Includes:
Physical Exercise
Healthy Diet
Personal Environment (inner psychological development)
Spirituality (active involvement in something that supports soul growth)
Personal Meaning/Goals/Purpose
Energy Work–Emotional Intelligence
Support from others

Being in the Now
Each of the above areas contributes in its own way to being able to live in a more empowered way in the present moment through:
Becoming aware of our troublesome thoughts and emotions
Clearing troubling mind states and achieving more neutrality
Being freer to cultivate higher level states of BE-ing

Centering within ourselves helps to build strong energy that fosters clear thinking and honest emotion. It is only from there that we can truly be of help to others.