In our discussion of the chakras and change we now arrive at the crown chakra. The Crown Chakra is located at the top of the head. It extends above the crown of the head upward toward an eighth chakra that sits about two feet above the 7th. (The eighth chakra is the energy center of divine love, of spiritual compassion and selflessness.) The seventh or Crown Chakra is our personal connection to this more other worldly spiritual energy.
Typically the Crown Chakra does not open more than 50% until we are 30-40 years of age.
Physically the major function of this chakra is as an entry point for life force; it governs: the Pituitary gland and the Cerebral Cortex of the brain.
The seventh chakra connects individual awareness with infinite consciousness. It is here that we can develop the ability to go beyond sequential time and move into higher consciousness where we can achieve Psycho-spiritual integration. Bliss, unconditional joy and the ability to experience the Universal field of energy and consciousness are all experiences of a highly developed Crown Chakra.
During times of change a healthy crown chakra can provide us with an experience of peace, a soft place to land beyond the rigors of human existence. It provides us with the knowing of our spirit which is beyond the impermanence of earthy life.
A healthy crown chakra results in a person being able to perceive, analyze, and assimilate information in a useful way. We see intelligence, open-mindedness, and ability to question wisely. There is also a deep sense of spiritual connection, wisdom and Self-mastery in one who has a well-developed seventh chakra.
Imbalances of Crown Chakra Energy
Excessive Energy here manifests as over intellectualization, Spiritual addiction, or some form of overwhelm (chronic confusion, frustration, psychosis, dissociation)
With deficient energy in the crown there is a need to be right, failure to learn, belief in limitations or spiritual skepticism.
When the Crown Chakra is undeveloped it is no larger or more filled with energy than the lower six chakras. When this chakra is fully awakened it has been said by those who can see it that it blazes with a brilliant light and has a complexity, power and beauty that are truly overwhelming.
With a healthy seventh chakra psychologically we can perceive the underlying order and meaning of things and spiritually we experience (as opposed to believe) the deep knowing of all of creation as being as one through this chakra.
Unconsciously the energy flowing through this chakra is the wisdom of the body—consciously it is the intellect, mind and belief systems. Ultimately this chakra is our link with consciousness beyond reason, beyond the senses and beyond material world limitations—it is the universal consciousness that holds awareness of Divinity.
Each of the chakras holds a form of consciousness. In the root we experience the densest materialization of energy, in the sacral we come to know the energy of emotion and so on as we move upward through progressively less dense expressions of energy until we reach the crown where we must begin asking questions about consciousness itself. It’s really miraculous to think about consciousness itself inquiring into its own nature and manifestations!
Two main types of consciousness:
1. That which is focused on the information in our material reality and has to do with the concrete self. This consciousness relies on focused attention€¦active thought, reasoning, learning compiling information, data, and belief systems. This is a lower function of the crown chakra as it stores and correlates details into patterns and larger fields of meaning.
2.The Transcendent type of consciousness is not focused. It is beyond the realm of everyday concerns and a focus on the external material world. Transcendent consciousness is awareness beyond cognition. Rather than attention to detail and objects this consciousness floats and has an all-encompassing quality.
So we can see that the crown chakra is a place of convergence of the finite and the infinite. Here we expand beyond our personal self, beyond time into a state that holds bliss and joy. And here the divine consciousness enters and moves downward through our systems to enliven all the chakras and give us the capacity to maneuver in the external world. Being able to have a deep, direct and reliable connection with our spiritual self can provide us with not only comfort during times of change but also be a source of wisdom to help guide us on our way through life.
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