The solar plexus chakra is the center of personal power. Personal power is an essential component for health, success, self care and the capacity to confront change. As with anything else personal power can be expressed positively or negatively, used or abused. One’s level of spiritual, ethical or moral development (consciousness) influences how personal power will be expressed.
In the recent past we in the U.S. have had issues related to all aspects of our human condition laid bare. One aspect that is both at the foundation and also weaves its way throughout all the others is personal power.
We have seen overt, covert, displaced, misguided, disowned, inappropriate and predatory power on display in ways almost too many to elucidate. It is a very real fear that perhaps we have become numb to what is real, good and humane in public discourse as well as in the interaction and treatment of each other. My hope is that there is purpose in all that has been brought to the surface and that we learn, grow, heal and move on from it.
Our energy system is a map of consciousness and can help lead the way to healthy expression of all of our energies.
Personal Power Defined
“Personal power is based on strength, confidence, and competence that individuals gradually acquire in the course of their development. This type of power represents a movement toward self-realization and transcendent goals in life; its primary aim is mastery of self, not others.
Covert negative power is based on passive-aggression and is manifested in behaviors indicating weakness, incompetence and self-destructive tendencies that manipulate others in the interpersonal world by arousing their feelings of fear, guilt and anger.” Robert Firestone Ph.D., The Human Experience
Solar Plexus, Personal Power and Self Care
Our energy system contains our life force …our basic power. Each of the chakras has a specific frequency and channels a facet of power. The solar plexus chakra is home to the energy of personal power, will, integrity, courage and capacity for change. The health of this chakra is always important but it becomes even more crucial to have a strong support here during times of great personal and social change.
Solar Plexus Chakra Positive Powers:
Healthy self esteem
Balanced sense of responsibility
Ability to set and maintain boundaries
Freedom from unhealthy guilt and shame
Self knowledge— having clarity about what you believe and value
Courage you have the courage to express who you are and what you believe
Integrity your beliefs, feelings, expression and actions are in alignment with each other
Expansion of personal power is most often gone about intellectually which can make you feel like Sisyphus rolling the rock up the mountain only to have to start again as it rolls back down out of your control. Engaging the energy of the solar plexus brings personal power out of the realm of thought into experienced reality.
Solar Plexus Chakra and Energy for change
The abilities to act, to adjust and to change are governed by the Solar Plexus chakra.
It is a major player in our capacity to change ourselves and our situation in life.
The root is about physical energy and survival. The sacral chakra regulates emotional energy and survival. In the third chakra we begin to look at transformation and the potential to bring change and growth to ourselves and our world.
The element associated with the solar plexus is fire, a great metaphor as fire changes all it touches. Fire transforms matter into invisible elements like heat and gas.
The solar plexus is where we transform energy from the lower and move it up into the higher chakras.
Qualities of a healthy Solar Plexus Chakra
When the energy of this chakra flows smoothly and is balanced there is inner confidence and vitality with awareness of one’s uniqueness. A person with healthy third chakra energies values others, respects their integrity and actively responds to their energy. A strong third chakra produces a sense of personal worth that helps to avoid excess and to respect boundaries.
A healthy third chakras allows for spontaneity, openness and loving. Energy from a healthy solar plexus moves freely up into the heart chakra. With channels open to the lower chakras from the solar plexus there is a sense of being grounded and an ability to go with the flow.
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