Do you use energy techniques to help you in any area of your life? If so, what are the effects or benefits that you notice? Would love to hear your experiences!
Here are some of the benefits that I have noticed as a result of having an energetic perspective on the world and managing my personal energy:
1. Accelerated change: Working energetically goes to the roots of problems, roots them out at the source as well as providing positive, more effective and rapid solutions, truly a way to change from the inside out.
2. Diminished resistance: Energy work can aid in eliminating the struggle that often blocks our attempts at change, in effect impeding the flow of change. Using energy can generate an inner sense of ease and a feeling of grace that replace those of force & will power.
3. Discipline of the mind: Proper focus of the mind helps to build energy to bring to our desires and improves our ability to direct that energy more precisely toward our goals.
4. Enhanced Clarity: Eliminating emotional turmoil, negative mind sets and exhausting thought patterns via energetic techniques results in a centering effect that provides clearer perception of oneself, others and Truth itself.
5. Improved Intuition, creativity and spiritual experience: As the overall energy system is strengthened and less burdened with old memories, beliefs and maladaptive patterns the entire system can function better and more energy is available to expand higher level function.
6. Clearing energy blocks from our systems opens us up and allows us to build in a positive direction. We create more of what we do want in life rather than getting caught in repetitive cycles filled with what we don’t want. Relaxation of the mind and body helps us to let go of restrictions to increased flow, assists in quieting the ego and opens us to recognition of subtler energies.
My experience has been that being aware of, developing and using my subtle energy systems enables me to cross the bridge between spirit and matter, to integrate the two and live in both worlds. It seems that one of our current challenges as we evolve as a species is to bring the full force of all our energy into the present moment for creation….to fully embody spiritual energy in human form and integrate the two so we can live as everyday mystics– spiritually oriented, inspired, grounded, effective and successful in the world of matter.
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