Simple Seasonal Attitude Adjustment!

Great-Ayton-Station-SAM_2197Leaving the station of emotional constriction

We experience a variety of feelings every day. They run from the superficial to the vast and deep. Our common perception is that different situations, events and people are creating or triggering these feelings. While there is certainly some truth to this the greater truth is that our feelings are generated by us and point to areas of growth that can lead us to an expansive freedom if we take a new attitude toward them.

By perceiving our feelings as simply natural responses to others, the news or environment we keep ourselves dis-empowered. If we decide that we are going to be in charge of our inner landscape then we can take back some of the power that we are assigning to the outer world.

Creating Emotional Freedom
One way to move out of this cycle is to acknowledge your feelings, really feel them without holding on to them. Sometimes just letting feelings be, taking the label off, relaxing, breathing, letting go of resistance is all that is needed. (It is actually resistance to feeling that causes the most pain whether it is physical or psychological.) The process of acknowledging and truly feeling emotions helps to release the intensity that seem to hold you powerless in their grip.

The next step is to see what is possible in terms of moving up the ladder of feeling. Don’t try to leap to joy or bliss but ask what feeling could I now realistically conjure up through memories, images, or fantasies? A slightly better feeling is all that is needed to help you shift into a better frame of mind. In fact, if you can get yourself into a better feeling state and stay there for as little as 17 seconds several times a day, you’ll be making progress.


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