
Cultivating Self Compassion Serenity, and Self Acceptance

Here is a quote that I find not only supportive and encouraging but it also speaks to what is happening “behind the curtain” with mind-body-spirit approaches.

Self Compassion is a Learned Skill
“When we accept ourselves for who we are, as people filled with strengths and weaknesses, it’s easier to accept the flaws we find in others. Acceptance makes it easier to tolerate differences, and this allows for greater cooperation.
Meditation specifically strengthens the key neural circuit that connects our cognitive skills with our social skills and our emotions, and the end result of a well functioning brain is the generation of deep compassion and love. And unlike other animals, we appear to have the only brain that can show compassion toward every living thing on the planet. That, truly, is an amazing neurological feat. ” Andrew Newberg, M.D.

Self Compassion is Connected to Health and Well Being
Research has confirmed that enhancing the neural circuitry of our brain improves our physical, mental, emotional health as well as adding to our capacity for happiness and adding years to your life.

All of our energy can be enhanced by bringing our brain into synch and not letting it high jack our attention. By taking charge of our mind/brain we improve our capacity to focus, ability to be calm and be filled with a sense of ease.

Self Compassion, Self Love and Acceptance Require Prioritizing
We all feel the stress of the demands on our time. It can be hard to find the time to do the things that put us back in charge of our brains/minds but it is exactly what will give us so many of the inner qualities we long for in this busy world.
Developing the ability to set clear intentions, using deep relaxation or meditation and opening to a broader awareness is the way to accomplish an inner serenity that can bring you all the aforementioned benefits. It does require effort and perhaps change on your part but it is not hard work (the hard work is the stress and struggle we all feel when we do not give ourselves the inner peace the mind craves) and the rewards are well worth the commitment and effort.

Make Your Self-Care a Priority
Begin by simply giving yourself permission, time and space to sit quietly for 10-20 minutes and breathe fully, easily, completely. Start small and build on a mindfulness or meditative practice. It is often easier to work with gradual shifts in daily routines until we see and feel results that can spur us on to a longer,  deeper and more inclusive practice that becomes self reinforcing. The accumulated results will be helpful and motivating as you begin to feel the quiet that develops within.