
Secrets to Transformation

Our ability to transform and create exists in the unseen world of energy and spirit. This invisible world is accessed and experienced through our imagination, senses and feelings. We have been given the keys to this kingdom repeatedly throughout history by many philosophers, spiritual teachers and ordinary people who had traveled the path successfully.

Our innate skills for transformation of energy are brought to life and enhanced through developing our conscious awareness, positive expectation; trust in this innate capacity, discipline of mind, meaningful repetition, commitment and an attitude of acceptance of what is in the present.

In addition to those skills and positive approaches like a focus gratitude, affirmations and skillful energy management we also need to be aware of shadow work as neglect of it can block the best of intentions and efforts.

Guiding Principles for Shadow Work

  • Essential to move beyond heaviness, fear and
    emotional drains of the ego to raise energy and open to higher consciousness
  • Work with fears, develops tolerance and compassion to move beyond ego-mind
  • As shadow material diminishes higher consciousness expands
  • It is possible to learn how to process negative quickly and move on
  • Denial in any form not useful and blocks progress
  • Quicker we heal quicker we get to happiness, health and harmony!

Our shadow can feel like heavy baggage we drag along through life or it may be so unconscious that we do not realize it is there. Resistance to change, blocks to our success or repetitive patterns that do not budge regardless of our efforts are all signs of the shadow’s presence. We all have one, it is simply part of our journey to grow through it! A sense of humor, a light touch, acceptance, patience and surrender all make the process of release less of an effort on the road to lighter and brighter!