core strength

The Secret to Reliable Core Strength and Vitality: Facing Change

Where can we tap into core strength and maintain calm and vitality during times of change as well as to have a firm foundation of safety, security and self care to live from?
Learning to manage our energy and live from an expanded consciousness provided by our field of higher awareness lays the groundwork for all that we can create, express and experience. The root chakra is the bedrock from which the rest of the energy system grows and develops. Our attention to it is like assuring that a seed has the rich soil and nutrients needed to grow and blossom into a healthy, strong, and vibrant  plant.

Root Chakra: Foundation of Core Strength
The root chakra is located at the base of your spine and is the first to develop after birth. This energy center is the foundation of your energy system, your physical vitality, and a cornerstone of psychological and spiritual well being.

Physically the root correlates with the adrenal glands and all bony structures. This chakra provides support and a framework for both the physical and psychological body. Initially we learn to crawl, walk and stand as the core strength/energy of root chakra expands and comes online.

Physically the root chakra governs the immune, skeletal and lower digestive systems. When root energies are out of balance the physical issues that present are: poor balance, sciatica, chronic fatigue, bowel disorders knee, and leg or foot problems.

Psychologically first chakra energy assists us with putting down roots in the world and having a firm foundation of inner support and self care.

Trauma, family stress and a lack of appropriate nurturing during the first few years of life creates an imbalance in root chakra energies. The consequence of these early experiences and the resulting imbalance amplify fearful or negative coping and reactions to change.
Fear does not always show up as an outright anxiety disorder or phobia. It can also appear as shyness, dread or fear of criticism. Many people feel fear as an absence of security or as difficulty experiencing inner stability, safety and comfort.

The state of your root chakra energy affects how you respond to upsets such as loss of a job, living situation or person in your life. Our ability to feel inner safety and security is typically challenged during any kind of change or transition. We can all see this currently in the U.S. as we maneuver through an unprecedented presidential election!
Directly addressing our energy and specifically the root chakra can shift your energy to rise to inner and outer challenges from a place of calm, security and inner strength.

A strong balanced root chakra produces feelings of  calmness, security and belonging.

Earth Mother Energy
The positive archetype for the root chakra is the Earth Mother. A person with strong, positive root energy honors and cares for the body as a sacred vessel that carries them in the material world. Physical needs are well cared. This results in healthy vitality, as well as abundant energy to flow upward to open and expand the chakras above.

The health of the lower three chakras determine how you experience and behave in the material world and the upper chakras expand your higher level human functions of insight, intuition, creativity and true expanded spiritual experience.

Emotionally a lack of first chakra energy manifests as being too rigid and not being open to options for change. Change can also be difficult if you are overly grounded —-this is evidenced through being stubborn, overly controlling, lacking in imagination or initiative.

Strong root energy does not mean that we will not feel the ground shake beneath our feet during times of change, but that we have a deep well of strength to return to, to draw from to center ourselves when it is most needed.
Accessing steady, balanced core strength provides a place to meet challenges form. We need an inner space of security and comfort that is not reliant on external circumstances. We need a wellspring to draw from to transcend fear. Tapping into this wellspring in difficult times helps to face loss without a total collapse of inner peace, strength or vitality.
A balanced root chakra energy allows us to see life clearly, to let it unfold, and accept what is all while knowing where our true power, responsibility and boundaries lie. A strong root chakra helps to maintain a calm steady inner experience in spite of what is happening outside or around you.

If you are interested in working with your root chakra energies, our program Relaxation 101 is a great 21 minute relaxation/meditation designed to help you begin your journey. Other programs include information and techniques for the root chakra while addressing the entire energy system. You can find complete descriptions of what to expect in each program here: