authentic self

The Secret to Connecting with the Authentic Self

The term authentic self is often used to speak about our connection to our soul or spiritual selves. Our energy system offers us a means to bring the concept of an authentic self, our spiritual nature, from the realm of concept into a lived reality. Living life from a mental construct keeps us striving and struggling VS aligning our selves with that which already exists deep within.

To view ourselves as energetic entities helps us to understand the nature of the authentic self at a deeper level while providing effective ways to actively develop ourselves to be able to live more from that higher awareness.

It is not enough to know that we are spiritual/energetic beings. We need to not only understand that and have practices that help us contact and embody our higher selves, we also need methods that clear all that blocks the flow of our spiritual nature into our human form .

Blocks to Spiritual Frequencies and Flow
Becoming clear about how our life experiences have affected us allows us to know where we need to focus  so we can heal. Knowledge is a first step toward healing. Our personal history has helped shape our ways of being in the world. We need to understand the patterns we have formed and have effective ways to release the detrimental effects.

Working from a level that includes mind, body and spirit goes to the deepest core of our issues lie and helps to release them from where they were embedded.

For instance, we may have experienced deep grief in the past. We may understand that this had a profound effect on you. We can describe what happened, how this person was important to us, and how it is currently impacting our life. Sometimes this is enough to allow for healing. However more often it happens that if we do not have the means to erase the effects from within our mind/body/energy system and install new feelings and behaviors, then we continue to be affected by unresolved grief and unfinished business (incomplete experience) consciously or unconsciously.

To live from our authentic self we need the capacity to experience emotions appropriate to an event, have the ability to allow them proper expression and release them from our system. Then all our energy becomes available to us to live in the present and channel towards the life we wish to live!

Our recording of Letting Go: The Heart of Healing includes tips and an effective technique to help release old patterns energetically. To listen to a sample click here:

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