Sacral Chakra and Change: Invisible Barriers to Success

Sacral Chakra and Emotional Energy
The sacral chakra is linked to the element of water. It mediates passion, desire and emotions in general. This center develops in toddler-hood as we learn to seek pleasure and avoid pain.

The sacral chakra is about intensity of feeling–which can easily be seen in a young child as he/she experiences the world directly with no modification or filter… sometimes to our dismay! So this chakra is a center for feeling of all sorts. The feelings of suffering, hurt, anger, hostility, and sadness are as compelling to the second chakra as joy, happiness and love. This perhaps helps us to understand why some people seem to become attached to negative feelings.

Shame and imbalances regarding entitlement(too much or too little) are very common expressions of difficulties in the sacral chakra. This chakra is restless; it seeks constant change.

Sacral Chakra Symptoms of Imbalance
Feelings of shame, or of being flawed, are common signs of an imbalance in the sacral chakra. This feeling is different than the healthy guilt which comes from having actually broken a law, done harm, or crossed a line that is against one’s own integrity.
Shame is a sense of BEING wrong, defective, or bad in the deep inner fabric of your being. Often there may not even be an understanding of where this feeling originated. The reason for the latter is that the “cause” may have occurred very early in life, before you had a definitive cognition or verbal skills. It also may be that you have repressed the memory of the causal trigger, OR you may be carrying someone else’s projected shame.

Other signs that there are issues or blocked energy in the second chakra are difficulty appreciating life’s goodness or having a sense that nothing seems good enough. Depression can result with this kind of block.
Other signs of imbalance are: (1) a sense of being stuck, (2) lack of ability to adapt (3) insensitivity to one’s feelings and emotional needs, (4) inability to express emotion, (5) denial of pleasure, and (6) unyielding, strict, and rigid self-imposed boundaries.

Next post: Discover triggers and Remedies for sacral chakra

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