6 Questions to Assess Personal Power

There are many different perspectives on personal power…in this blog we have spoken about it in the sense of having a some semblance of balance between our spiritual and human nature and being able to navigate them with some grace…always becoming and perhaps never truly arriving!

Here are some questions that can help you assess where you are re: this issue–I find them helpful reminders to keep my on the path as well.

Personal power comes from knowing oneself. An important part of that is understanding hotspots–or reactivity. Where does yours occur? Do you know what it is about beyond that current circumstances? When did you first feel such feelings in your life?

What are some ways that you use to shift out of/deal with such reactivity? What is it that needs to happen inside for this reactivity to disappear?

Do you know how to soothe yourself once you are upset? What are the ways that you use to do this?

Do you know how to comfort yourself?

How well are you able to deal with fear, worry, and turmoil?

Do you recognize the clues that a negative belief is running you/some part of your life?

Our personal energy system is directly connected to the personal power we have in this life. As we clear and balance our energy systems, we are better able to connect with our I AM consciousness…the place our best wisdom comes from and our ability to shape our lives strengthens, our spiritual connection expands, and we begin to not only live differently but from a different place within.


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