psychic sensitivity

Psychic Sensitivity Expands with Awareness. How Psychic Are You?

Psychic Awareness and Subtle Energy
As we travel forward on a journey of expanded awareness more and more people are becoming aware of the subtler dimensions of life and learning how to actively engage with subtle energy as a means of awakening, finding greater purpose, meaning and satisfaction in life and living.

Subtle Energy
What is often referred to as ESP or “being psychic” is a natural ability we all have. This ability is facilitated through our energy systems…it is the invisible medium through which information and impressions register with us. The strength and coherence of your energy system contributes to your ability to both send and receive information and impressions.

  1. Are you unexplainably drawn or repulsed by certain people, places or things?
  2. Do you sense others’ feelings easily?
  3. Are you easily drained or uplifted by others’ presence, expression or actions?
  4. Do you often think of someone only to have them call or show up soon after?
  5. Are you strongly affected by positive or negative surroundings?
  6. Have you had premonitions about accidents, illness or death?
  7. Have you had premonitions about happy events?
  8. Are you sensitive to body signals that alert you to inner or outer risk?
  9. Can you easily visualize (see inner imagery)?
  10. Is your inner hearing acute/ open to “messages’ about things you need to know?
  11. Do you often know what another was going to say before they said it?
  12. Do you sense when a person’s words and feelings don’t match (e.g. lying)?0-4   Yes answers   Low sensitivity
    8-12 Yes answers   High psychic sensitivity
    4-8 Yes answers   Moderate psychic sensitivity
    1-4 Yes answers Low Psychic sensitivity


Scoring: 1 point for each yes answer

No matter what your level of sensitivity, it is always possible to enhance your energy system so your subtle sensitivity can expand and be a greater ally on your path.