positive change

Positive Change: 4 New Approaches for the New Year

Positive change  and  growth happen more fluidly and positively in an environment of openness/spaciousness. In that environment energy can flow freely and be focused on the good things you wish to bring into being.
It can be helpful to think about energy being influenced toward expansion or contraction by your choices. Those things that contribute to expansion/spaciousness allow for change with ease. Resistance (all resistance is ultimately thought, emotion, or belief based in fear) of any kind results in contraction of energy that inhibits the flow of all that we find desirable!

4 Approaches for Positive Change
1. What images, thoughts and feelings come to mind when you think of what is needed for real substantial change?
Do you focus more naturally on the difficulties of change?

What qualities do you feel are in short supply?
Courage? Strength? Patience?
How about self compassion, kindness and surrender?
Our brains have a bias for negativity. We need to retrain the brain to function in a way that promotes positive states, expansion and spaciousness.

2. Which qualities are most needed as you face the challenge of the change you desire?
What real or fictional heroes and heroines come to mind that embody these qualities?
By imagining what it would feel like to be/embody the characteristics of those role models you begin to build in new neural pathways that contribute to your positive change, health, wealth and well being.

Focusing on how it would feel to embody strength and positive capacities VS berating yourself for any lack will lead to developing the new internal pathways you need to “own” these attributes.

3. Can you remember times in your own life when you’ve found an inner strength or drive that perhaps you never knew you had did not realize you had?
That memory can be used to start a flow of positive energy and strength that you can piggy back the new desired change on. This works in much the same way as the previous tip….helping to build new pathways within that will support you as you move forward.

4. Are you willing to devote 10 minutes a day to envisioning with all of your senses how it would be if your change and new resolution was achieved?
Your brain does not know the difference between real and imagined. (This factor can be used positively or negatively and IS all the time if we are unconscious! It will tend toward the negative unless we take charge of it). Through envisioning, and feeling “as if”, you can help to build what you desire internally until it reaches a tipping point and be expressed externally.

Focusing on the development of positive qualities works to accomplish goals and effect change with greater ease. It also benefits mind-body health, energy mastery and helps to extinguish the effects of stress!