Developing Personal Power Brings You into Balance, Improves Vitality, and Inner Peace

A key concept in learning to live from the inside out, engaging and using the energy of consciousness for good is understanding the difference between personal power and force.

Personal power has a lot to do with our physical, mental and emotional health and well being. Personal power means different things to different people and even different things to the same person, depending on many factors, including: life stage, level of consciousness, personal experience and predominate belief system. One thing personal power is not is force–the latter comes from insecurity, inner emptiness and lack.


When you hear the words personal power, what comes to your mind?
Here are some of the answers I have heard from clients:
Presence, Balance, Choice, Being present, Knowing, Happiness, Inner Peace

For me, these answers bring up another question for exploration: does personal power come from having these feelings or are these feelings an outgrowth of embodying the essence of personal power in your core? My perspective is that it is a two way street difficult to discern one over the other…what do you think?

A fundamental building block for personal power from my perspective is the capacity to be in touch with and manage our life force energy.

For me personal power means understanding my Self and my relationship to the universe. It means knowing how body-mind- spirit operates and having the tools to develop greater awareness and consciousness. Perhaps the greatest aspect for me is to be able to experience and continue to grow “I AM-ness,” the level of consciousness that is pure awareness.

More important than knowing about power is being able to put that information into practice. Personal practice helps me to learn more about building and using personal power to create from the inside out.

Personal power also means deeply feeling what is true for me in the core of my being. Knowing how to honor my individual nature allows me to shape my life in ways so I may positively contribute to the lives of others in my world.

I have learned many things that are very different for me now than they were earlier in life, but perhaps the two most important are

1. I am not the victim of anything including my emotions; I am my own authority. Feeling a victim of outside forces is not an issue here at this point in life, however I think emotional intelligence and “mastery” is a complex and perhaps forever incomplete journey!

2. I can be happy and at peace because I choose to be, not because externals are fitting in with everything that I think should be happening.

As Oprah would say, “What I know for sure today is… ”
Part of our task as adults is to connect with the deep core of our authentic Selves, to come to know our Selves free of illusions and bring that with our unique gifts to the world freely, openly and lovingly. This is in fact the best and truest kind of power I can imagine….and our energy system provides a more direct and effective route as it takes us beyond our mental chatter and preoccupations with story and details that clutter our path and progress.


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