
How is perception formed? How does it affect us?

Perception appears to be automatic but it is formed out of our experience.

What we think about, feel, and believe all affect our perception and thus our internal and external environment. Our inner world colors our outer experience.

Mis-perception in action
I recently had an experience where I observed a journalist accuse a pair of speakers of hiding information, of being purposefully withholding. The speakers had each already given the information that the journalist was requesting. I wonder why he did not/could not hear it.
Another common example I see is when someone accuses another of “yelling” at them when in fact the person is speaking in a normal tone albeit with some passion behind their words. I wonder what age the accuser flips back to when they experience this scenario.

There are many examples like this that indicate where we are not “in present time”. We can move in and out of various states of development without realizing it until we have explored how life circumstances may be coloring current reality and our experience of it.

A self-reinforcing feedback loop
Thoughts, feelings, beliefs, judgments, and expectations are woven together to create perception. Thought produces chemical changes in the body that are interpreted as feelings that then impact experience and thoughts.

Because our mind and body are inexorably linked changing our core perceptions can change our experience of body, aging, health, relationships – our entire world! This can happen through discovering and shifting our core beliefs.

A core belief is something we assume to be true about ourselves or reality.

We all have them. They are not good or bad by themselves; however, some may be more useful than others.
Our core beliefs were formed before we had the capacity for mature awareness. Our younger selves have limited understanding and so often form unhelpful ideas about life, the universe and everything! We are not generally not aware that this is how our minds work to protect us as best it can we end up with situations that confuse and puzzle us. Exploring our core beliefs and how they may be operating can bring a powerful freedom.

Changes in beliefs create a change in energy and reality
For this change to happen, a shift needs to take place at an emotional level, not simply a cognitive one. We cannot simply try to adopt a new thought. This may have some limited effect but it does not create permanent change at the core.

Change requires emotional engagement. We cannot simply adopt a new thought and expect lasting or effective change.

Real change from the inside out allows us to experience greater ease within as well as in the outer world.

As we overturn beliefs based on fear and nurture new ones based on self worth, compassion, connection, joy, expansion, peace, and love we gain peace of mind, health and well being.