mindful stress reduction

Mindful Stress Reduction: Four Concepts to Build Resiliency

Mindful Stress Reduction can include many tools and techniques. Four areas that can be especially helpful with mindful stress reduction are: the magic of surrender, developing an attitude of acceptance, letting go of regrets and suspending judgment.

Mindful Stress Reduction and Energy
It is important t recognize that when we experience regret or when we judge ourselves or others, we are blocking our energy. The result is that we weaken ourselves so we do not have all our energy available to bring to the creation of  our lives, dreams and goals.
Learning to surrender, letting go of judgments and releasing regrets allow our minds to enter a clarity where ease, harmony and happiness can grow. Methods that quiet the conscious mind and open up deeper awareness are  effective approaches.. They enable an inner space for a deep release of all that does not serve us as well as gifts us with enhanced intuition and higher levels of consciousness.

Open Hearted Awareness Enhances Mindful Stress Reduction
Opening your heart energy through surrender and acceptance takes courage but it also builds strength. Opening your heart helps create coherent energy that affects strength, health and well being. Practicing grounding exercises can assist you with settling down so you can go more deeply inside without anxiety or fear. Grounding exercises, combined with breathing fully and easily from the inside out, provides feelings of safety and stability … as well as building inner connection to your Self that allows for an easier opening of the heart.

Turning each of these concepts into reality requires practice. Practice grooves new patterns within the body- mind that become a new foundation upon which to meet our lives and create more of what we do want and less of what we have created in the past that we do not want. Our point of power truly is in the present moment and is especially effective in a positive way if we are conscious and intentional..

We each perceive life situations from different vantage points. We each have a life story that explains where our fears, judgments and regrets came from. It can be helpful as a first step to be aware of and verbalize this story, but it is critical that this not be our only step. We need approaches that address our minds, bodies and spirits in order to erase old inner ruts and groove new pathways.

Becoming clear of old non-beneficial ways of perceiving and opening to a more spacious place free of the constrictions of judgments, negativity and fear enables us to become healthier, happier, more creative and to inhabit our lives in positive, productive ways.