low energy

Low Energy: A Simple Strategy to Reboot Sagging Vitality

Low Energy Has Many Invisible Causes
Our energy rises and falls, expands and contracts in an ongoing dynamic and vital way. The stimuli for this ongoing dance of energy are many and varied: interaction with our environment, people, events, the weather, the movement of the planets AND our habitual thoughts/feelings and unprocessed life experience. All this occurs out of consciousness generally. Through becoming more conscious about our energetic nature we can live more purposefully as well as have more energy!

Do you notice how your energy is impacted by input from outside….like the news or another’s mood or behavior?

Mirror Neurons Can Help Understanding Low Energy
Scientists have discovered mirror neurons that help explain our inner reactions to our outer environment from a neuro-physiological perspective. If you are interested in a discussion regarding how that works, Wikipedia provides a decent overview: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mirror_neuron

On whatever level you choose to begin to learn about this dynamic, it is important to recognize it and make appropriate adjustments to keep your energy strong.

One Way to Take Charge of Low Energy
A major source of energy drain or low energy in modern life is the news! Especially if you are a news junkie you may be keeping your energy in a constant state of turmoil, conflict, drama, trauma and angst! You can counteract this by seeking out positive input—reports of people doing good–acts of kindness–heroic acts–happy outcomes–they all help us to experience healthier energy, happier moods and keep our inner resources strong and in good repair.

Here are some affirmations to help avoid low energy and its effects:

Withdraw your attention from activities that drain or deplete you.

Intentionally drop out of your head into your heart often today.

Remember a happy time. Expand and amplify those feelings bringing them into the present.

Noticing where your mind goes and consciously shifting your attention will build energy making it easier to release stress as vitality rises.

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