Love Energy

Love Energy: A Personal Wellspring of Vitality

Love energy is a personal wellspring that nourishes and strengthens.

There are so many different types of love. If you stop for a moment and think about all the various kinds of love you have felt in your life, you may find that you alternately bring your energy level up only to have it crash as an alternate memory comes rolling in! The good news here is that if we are conscious we can use this dynamic to our benefit. By choosing to dwell on feelings of love without needing an external trigger, you can not only raise your energy level but also help yourself grow in the capacity to hold higher vibrations of healthy love. Because it feels good perhaps you will decide to feel it more often! In that way a more consistently loving state becomes more the norm.

Love Energy Our Universal Source
It has been said that the very fabric of the universe is love. As part of the cosmos we have that essence within us. The problem is that most of us are disconnected from it. We can reconnect to the flow of love within ourselves through our heart chakra. Flowing energy regularly through this very important center not only connects us to love but helps to expand what flows out from us as it opens us to even more love.

Outside circumstances can have the effect of bringing this kind of universal love to the surface. Natural disasters, illness in oneself or a loved one, parenting and deep friendship are all instances that can draw the best from deep within us. A connection within ourselves and a subsequent outpouring of love and compassion is evident in many forms in response to crises.

Outside sources may seem to trigger the flow of this higher form of love and we come to believe that we need the stimulus in order to feel it. We do not. Many of the world’s great mystics speak about the intoxicating elixir that is cosmic love. They connected with and cultivated this type of love through meditation and other spiritual practices.

Blocks to Love Energy
You do not have to be a great cosmic seer or a great holy person to feel love. You can start right where you are. The first step is to look at what blockages or barriers you may have in relation to self love. Love is energy just like any other emotion. So it makes sense that if you are in contact with that energy and have an abundant supply flowing through you that you can easily flow it to another without depletion.

If you don’t feel love from within, look at what blocks may be there. What messages, thoughts, feelings, beliefs and emotions are you carrying that keep you from this most precious birthright? What do you believe about yourself, the world, men‚ women, need, lack, that holds you back from feeling more love?

We see our beliefs reinforced around us every day. Where some have “good” experiences, others have “bad” ones. Where some experience happiness, others may experience and project anger, blame, fear, anxiety and more. Your beliefs can present limits and place obstacles that keep you from having what you desire. The most important thing is not what happened to you to create these beliefs, but what you are doing today to change them and take charge of your life.

Love Energy Without Reason
It is an amazing feeling to be able to experience love for no good reason other than it is possible! It is peace and joy, a quiet heart full to bursting. It also is not a permanent space for most of us. We must keep working at it and recommitting to it each day.

Orienting to Love
What if you were to see your life as a palette to paint upon?
What if you were to respond with an artist’s heart, one filled with love for the creation and fashion something fine and beautiful with the gift of freedom to love?
What if your destiny is to be love in the world?

We can begin to practice opening our hearts to love energy and our full potential every day!