Living From Ego VS Authenticity

11-10-Chocorua-with-overhang-110Expanding our consciousness beyond the physical and material world awakens us to who we truly are.

Our five senses draw our attention to the outer physical
world. When we have an outer directed focus we look for our inner needs to be
filled through material sources.

This is usually a short lived and unsatisfying
solution. This orientation fosters blame, criticism, judgments, and
compulsivity (repetitive behaviors expecting a different outcome).

Being outwardly directed encourages self definition through physical,
roles and material possessions…a reflection of limited consciousness. This is a mind set that both begins and ends in fear. An outer focus leaves us up one day down the next with no cohesive center.

Life is about change. Consciousness that is attached to the outer world does not support us well through  the cycles of change. Consciousness that is rooted internally in deep  alignment with a well developed core helps us to increase our capacity to function in the world in a meaningful way that leads to peace, joy & happiness.

We have a sixth sense draws our attention inward and assists us to truly find the means to resolve issues, release struggle and longing and receive the true fulfillment of our deepest desires if we but develop it.

This inner path allows us to examine thoughts, feelings and beliefs that lead to problems. It opens the way to creative problem solving. Expanding our consciousness beyond the physical and material world awakens us to who we truly are. From there we can transcend limitations, expand creative ability, and step into true power, tolerance, understanding and vitality.

To view ourselves as energetic entities helps us to understand the nature of the authentic self at a deeper level while providing a very effective way to actively work with ourselves to be able to live more from that center. However, it is not enough to know that we are spiritual/energetic beings. We need to understand what it is specifically that deters us from living fully from that perspective. We need to know how our life experiences have affected us. Knowledge is a first step toward healing. Our personal history has helped shape our ways of being in the world. We need to understand the patterns we have formed and have effective ways to release the detrimental effects.

Work with the energy of mind, body and spirit to heal and align with your authentic self.