Do you know what you want…REALLY? This may not happen for you, but for me there have been times when I have set off in a direction believing it is where I want to go only to find out later that I was missing some deeper awareness that would have saved me a lot of trouble if I had been clearer at the start.
An issue that often erodes our best efforts regarding change is a lack of clarity concerning our goal. We need to be really clear about just what it is that we are trying to accomplish and why. It is important to make sure the goal is our goal and not someone else’s. We must also be certain that our goal truly reflects our deeper motivations and the real inner experience we seek.
Some questions for clarity:
When you listen deeply to your heart, what do you hear?
What shifts and opens your heart?
Do you listen deeply?
Deep attention takes patience. It is not something we are taught or generally have the patience for. So another question: As we grow and develop as human beings it is very common to adopt the beliefs, perspective and aspirations of society or important people as we our lives and not even realize that they are not ours. At some point in life, if we are to be truly happy, we must identify what is really important, truthful and authentic for us.
Ask Yourself …What are the goals that best reflect what is most important to me? What changes would facilitate my authentic expression in the world? What is the underlying feeling that I would have if this became my reality? The feelings that you would like to have offer the key to your passion.
Recognize Your Passion …
Take time daily to imagine your goal. Let yourself feel it as if it is real and present now.
Focus becomes easier when you are clear about your goals and your passion is aligned with them. Focus naturally requires cultivation. This is where the conscious mind is useful in forming new patterns. As you practice these steps your brain will form new neural pathways helping to open up new perspectives and provide feedback loops that can speed you on your way.
- Notice what is going well. Congratulate yourself for the small steps.
- Feel gratitude for your goal being already achieved several times each day.
- List action items that contribute to your goal
- Focus on positive feelings, thoughts and sensations associated with end result
- Notice what blocks you or makes you hesitate and plan for addressing it.
Focus your Attention and Intention …
When a goal is aligned with your deepest nature, you will notice greater peace of mind and your body will feel more relaxed, open and buoyant. In this state your energy flows freely allowing your passion rise and become a powerful source of creative inspiration and momentum.
A goal that is really yours and aligned with your deepest values is a vehicle for expressing your genuine self. All desires that come from the highest place within are vehicles for expression of your essential nature.
Do you pay attention to your inner life, your longings, desires and dissatisfactions?
Do you careen through life running to catch up or perhaps to outdistance the voices that keep threatening to burst through your busy mind?Change takes courage and it can be frightening and threaten our status quo even as we say we want something different.
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