
How Does Understanding Your Energy Help?

Stress, inner wounds, fear and boundaries have energetic reality
When we talk about stress, inner wounds, fear and boundaries we tend to speak about them as if they do not have any tangible reality. Understanding the relationship of energy to our body-mind and environment coupled with energetic approaches can help us influence and improve every aspect of our lives. 

Basic understanding of energetic  interactions
We all encounter situation that we find unpleasant in life.
Energy contracts in hurtful, unpleasant or stressful encounters.
Contractions deplete and leave us weakened in the face of challenges.

Chakras and boundaries
Each chakra adds a layer to our field. If this field is strong, contains an optimal flow of each of the frequencies then our boundaries can be fluid and strong and we are capable of focusing our energy.

Developing our capacity to sense and manage our energy allows us to remain strong, healthy and less vulnerable to any kind of negativity. First we must develop “subtle energy competency”, then we can take charge of our fields so we do not live with chronic unresolved contractions or ineffective energetic loops.

Are you aware of your contractions?
Do you have a process to return to a healthy state after an “assault”?