
How to Let Go of Grief : The Secret to Moving Through Loss and Change

How to let go of grief? We are consciously aware of many reasons why it is hard to let go of people, places, and circumstances in life: we are attached, they are familiar/ habits,  it’s hard, painful, loss sucks, and change is scary.  We are wired to love, care, and attach. So it is only natural that we would feel pain around loss. However, there can also be underlying reasons why our journey through grief is made even more difficult.

How to Let Go of Grief: Underlying Fears

Emotionally facing the fears that underlie why we are having a hard time releasing and moving on is  a major step to  move past our grief, loss and change. Once we address our fears, limiting beliefs or lack of skill we are much better able to do what we need to do.
One of the toughest areas that is triggered with loss is that of abandonment or survival fears. At our core we have spent eons as tribal people. At a deep level we have the awareness that an individual’s survival is very difficult if not impossible without others. Our brain remembers this! In contemporary life survival is not as impossible but still may carry some harsh realities. Logic does not reach this level of fear. Skill building via mind-body-energy techniques are effective.

The changes that come through grief and loss often require changes that make us face things about ourselves that are hard. Loss of confidence, worth, esteem, identity are all areas that may need to be faced and healed.

Using an energetic approach to loss, change and grief can be a huge help in easing the pain and moving to a place of greater strength and peace. There energy patterns that operate beneath the surface of all the circumstances of our lives. If we understand those workings our changes, transitions and challenges become easier and less painful.

How to Let Go of Grief: Concepts that Help Ease Transition

We leave energy imprints on each other, as well as on objects. We charge our environment with our energy. This explains breaking in periods with our possessions or environments. It also explains the comfort of favorite blankets, toys, prayer shawls, and special tokens or objects.

The more we are exposed to certain patterns the more we are affected by them no matter their origin. This happens through Entrainment, a kind of natural adjusting to each others or our environment’s frequency. We also connect through cording and streaming of energies between people for good or ill. We can readily see this with families and peer groups.

Knowing about these energetic interactions helps us understand negative interchanges. in addition it helps to explain why it is painful when we leave a family, relationship, group or job even if it is for the best. I know when I have lost people in my life I could feel a tearing as the cords were pulled apart. Being unconscious of the presence of cords or streamers does not spare us pain. Once I learned about this level of energy I was able to engage in the process in a much more positive way. Consciousness allows us to uncouple energies with care, intention and love.

How to Let Go of Grief: Cutting Cords

To consciously cut cords go into a meditative state, ground and center within yourself and then sense where you may be attached to another. You may want to ask if there is something you must know before you cut the cords. The best way to manage the disconnect is to break the cord at a midpoint and intend that their cord goes back to them (with love) and yours to you.  Be prepared! If you are cutting cords with someone who does not want to end your relationship, they will seek you out in some way. People do not like it when you let go or change!

If you are cutting cords with someone who has passed on remember you are not being callous or disloyal. You are merely freeing both of you to move forward on your own path.  You may need to write a letter communicating all the relationship has meant to you and affirm that you are moving to a high form of love in releasing each of you to your now separate paths. With important people you will always be connected through love but cords just keep an attachment that is not the best for both of you.

Energetic healing approaches help ease us through grief, loss and change.
They make our transition times much less painful and assist us to integrate new learning, and growth.
They allow us to embrace the future from a place of strength and freedom.
Instead of bleeding energy we heal at a deep level, build strength, resiliency and new pools of internal power.

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