How Meditation Shifts Your Perspective

IMG_0226Hi this is Tony Pace
Since January, I’ve continued on a heavy travel schedule. Each morning begins without fail with a journey through my routine which I’ve followed religiously for years. I look out the window to figure out where I am this morning so that I can plan out my day. Barbados, Grenada, Aruba? I know it sounds strange and somewhat petty to drop these absolutely beautiful paradises like they were down the corner or around the block. I realize that so many people would trade places in an instant. It’s at that moment that I also realize I’ve have lost sight of this beauty.

The beauty I’ve lost sight of is my inner peace. When such amazing creation no longer takes my breath away, I know its time to stop and ground myself. So I do. I stop and take time to sit somewhere away from everything that reminds me of what my eyes tell me I need to do. Quietly I listen to the silence. That voice inside my head keeps interrupting and reminds me how much work I have to do. I brush it aside until it seems to get tired of interrupting and seems to go away.

The moment I open my eyes and I FEEL the beauty in front of me. I know I’m on a better road for me to travel. We all have interruptions and lose sight of the beauty in life. Don’t let your life’s history be written as I wish I had. . . .

Quiet your mind and enjoy life . Remember sitting by the lake and staring out as time drifted by. . .  Remember the peace you felt while sitting and staring out watching the falling snow as soft music played. . . That’s Meditation. . .  take the plunge

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