How Does Your Perception Affect Your Ability to Flow with Change?

Over-the-Bridge-SAM_1978Worldview …Perception…Shaper of Reality
It’s scary out of the box!

What is a world view? A lens of perception…mental and emotional filters that we see the world through. These determine our actions based on our beliefs. We all have a worldview that encompasses what we believe about life, the universe, people, relationships, prosperity, God, and how the whole thing works.

To identify your world view, pay attention to what you say to yourself and to other people. Notice how you react to events around you …both near and far. What do you talk about with family and friends? What newspapers, magazines and books do you read? What TV shows do you watch? What do you like to do in your spare time? What do you do in each of these situations and how do you feel? Your thoughts and feelings are your filters through which you see the world. They are your information processing system. They shape your beliefs.

Your thoughts and feelings, along with everyone else s are neither right nor wrong. They simply are. They exist because you give them energy. You give them life. The more people that have similar thoughts and beliefs, the stronger your beliefs may be. They are reinforced in your circles of contact through family, work, social events, news. They are reinforced when you feel good and also when you feel bad. They are reinforced through your experiences of the world around you.

Changing any one belief alters our worldview and thus how we perceive reality. Change however tends to come slowly over long periods of time. Part of the reason may be that it is a protective mechanism to keep us from careening off in new directions that may not be in our best interest. However, this same mechanism can also be a detriment in that it keeps us too long stuck in old ways of being.

For some time now there has been an awakening to an idea that we humans are multidimensional beings who have consciousness that extends far beyond our five senses. This concept is actually hardly new as it has been part of a perennial philosophy that has been with us in some form for a VERY long time. Now there seems to be a resurgence of the notion— perhaps as a way to balance out technology, left and right, yin and yang, linear and holistic. Maybe it is simply time in our evolution to claim all our parts and work with them to bring about much needed change in the world.

All change begins inside the self, inside your self. Change has to pass through your filters and your belief system in order for it to be real. When you try something new, you may go slowly at first if you don’t fully believe in it. You may take a “wait and see” attitude until you get enough evidence that supports your beliefs one way or another. Enough evidence let’s you say “Aha! …this or that happened, so it must be true.” Your experiences mirror your beliefs. You will always find the evidence that you need to support your beliefs, just as those around you find the evidence to support their beliefs.

It takes consciousness and a willingness to face ourselves to explore what may be mistaken beliefs that have shaped our lives. However, it is a major way that we can free ourselves from powerlessness and negativity, as well as freeing up energy to bring to creativity and living well.