Some of the benefits you may anticipate as a result of integrating an energetic perspective and learning how to develop and guide your personal energy include:
Accelerated change: Working energetically goes to the roots of problems and provides positive solutions, truly a way to change from the inside out.
Diminished resistance: Energy work can aid in eliminating the struggle that often impedes the flow of change. Ease and a sense of grace replace force & will power.
Discipline of the mind: Proper focus of the mind helps to build energy and improves our ability to direct energy more precisely toward our goals.
Enhanced Clarity: Eliminating emotional turmoil, negative mind sets and exhausting thought patterns via energetic techniques results in a centering effect that provides clearer perception of oneself, others and Truth itself.
Improved Intuition, creativity and spiritual experience: As the overall energy system is strengthened and less burdened with old memories, beliefs and disruptive patterns the entire system can function better and more energy is available to expand higher level function.
For a moment, imagine that deep within you is an unlimited ability to create, an almost magical power to heal, a strong intuitive potential, and an enormous capacity for joy and profound peace. What would it feel like to be in touch with these wonderful internal riches?
The truth is that we are dynamic, creative and powerful beings. We only need to learn how to reliably tap into our true nature and develop its gifts. We need a roadmap and a bit of guidance and support – exactly what all Living Energy Works programs provide.
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