Acceptance is one of those feelings that is grossly misunderstood. Some feel that adopting an attitude of acceptance means passivity or condoning of violent or malicious acts. Not so. Acceptance merely means to acknowledge a given situation as it is.
Typically we tend to cause ourselves stress by resisting what is.I know I have had a feeling that roughly translates to “This should not be happening”! Of course this produces more tension and upset than if I accepted what was happening and attended to my feelings and responses/solutions.
Noticing our habitual reactions is a first step to shifting to more beneficial states like acceptance which can lead to more creative solutions.
If we can truly open to a sense of acceptance we can remain engaged in life without uselessly forcing our own agenda. Instead of using precious energy to resist or fight in vain, we remain open to many more possible and potent outcomes. It is truly amazing to watch what happens when you truly embrace acceptance perhaps the most amazing thing is that so many problems simply fall away!
Since acceptance permits us to remain neutral, we can see more clearly where the best efforts are to be made in a given situation. The calmness that accompanies acceptance opes us to wider perception and moves us from a position of blaming to one of resolving problems. And the best part of all…we dump a significant source of self created stress! As with anything, acceptance is not something we simply decide to have. It is more like a journey we embark on stopping at many roadside attractions before reaching our destination.
The process of learning to accept can begin by learning to be more comfortable with silence; it may grow faster within you if you learn to release tension and stress in general; developing you silent witness or observer self are great additions to your travel kit.
Our recording, Applying Alchemy: Turning Concepts into Reality (session #8 in our 12 Keys for Life and Self Mastery series) has more information, suggestions and guided techniques for you to use to help with the development of this very valuable skill. You can find out more here
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