Hello-Goodbye: The Energy of Our Times

We are all aware of our world changing at a rapid pace as the old collapses before us. This falling away of the old, even in the midst of anxiety and confusion, invites us to open to creativity and allow something new to emerge….hopefully something that is more enlivening, nourishing and sustainable that the old. That is up to us whether it will be or not…our emerging consciousness holds within it the awareness of our responsibility and capacity to manage energy and create.

In addition to the global shifts, we each are experiencing an invitation to be more conscious of the patterns in our lives that need to be let go of, reshaped, or modified. This can be painful at times but it is really the nly way that we can release what does not serve us, what deadens instead of enlivens and move forward with more peace, ease and personal freedom.

And not surprisingly, the Beatles have the soundtrack for this time in our lives!