“You are not here to love the world; you are here to be love in the world.”
Grace Johnston
We naturally turn our thoughts to love on this day. Having such a dayis wonderful and reminds us of how we can bring more of those feelings to every day! Loving thoughts strengthen and enliven us!
Unfortunately this may not be a happy day for everyone. Memories of those lost, of past hurts, a deep sense of loneliness or other difficult emotions may intensify on this day. The good news is that being conscious of these feelings can be the first step to shifting them and your mood to one that feels better and supports you. This can lead to a commitment to cultivating greater self- love.
Self- love is a journey. We do not arrive there in an instant but we can use difficult feelings and situations to bring us a step closer to that space filled with deep peace and contentment.
If you stop for a moment and think about all the various kinds of love you have felt in your life, you may notice that your energy rises. It may be that it comes down with the next memory but at least you became aware of the ability to shift out of one state into another. When we are conscious we are more at cause and feel less a victim of emotions that seem to arise out of nowhere.
By choosing to dwell on times when we were truly deeply loving from the strongest place within, we can not only raise our energy level but we also grow in the capacity to hold higher loving vibrations. And it feels so good that perhaps you will decide to feel it more often thus helping to bring a more consistently loving state to yourself and those around you.
Learning to experience love inside for no good reason frees us to be authentically ourselves…to love more openly and honestly no matter the outward circumstances of your life.
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