Personal Energy and Authentic Self

Happiness: 3 Tips to Cultivate Happy Energy

Happiness is a fundamentally a particular quality of energy. The state of our subtle energy field contributes to our ability to experience it. Our entire energy system has a contribution to make toward our capacity for happiness but it is the Solar Plexus and the Heart Chakras that are most connected to our experience of this most sought after feeling.

We can work with both our minds and our energy system to produce more happiness. Authentic happiness is a state of being that arises from within in response to how we are experiencing a present moment. This is different from the externally triggered, excited kind of feeling that we generally associated with the word happiness.

Without specific practices our lower mind reigns over our habitual mental and emotional states. Our usual level of consciousness is not the province of the deeply satisfying states that put us in touch with our soul, the sacred and the wisdom of living. Our minds need to be trained to access these states. We can begin by learning how to choose positively.

We can cultivate happy energy:

1. Choose to find what is good today and focus on the good feeling

2. Make it a daily practice to engage in some activities that build and support feeling happy

3. Keep a journal and record what made you happy today-it helps build the feeling/energy/chemistry

We can make happiness a habit! A happiness practice flows positive healing energy throughout your body-mind contributing to a strong foundation for health. It also provides a springboard for further growth in consciousness helping us to become steeped in wisdom, love and a deep connection with life itself.

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