
How Does Gratitude Affect Your Heart and Health?

Gratitude and the Heart
For centuries the heart has been connected with emotions of love, gratitude and compassion as well as with courage, wisdom and spirituality. More recently research has found that not only are these feelings are experienced by the heart, but they also have a very stabilizing and beneficial effect on total health.

We now know that stress and negative emotional states affect hormonal fluctuations, immune response, heart and brain function. Stress and negative emotions lead to disordered heart rhythms, and unbalance the autonomic nervous system affecting the smooth function body and mind. Fortunately the opposite is also true: positive emotion leads to increased harmony, coherence and balance within these same systems.

Significant positive changes in mind and body systems have been repeatedly documented when techniques are used that purposefully create feelings of appreciation, gratitude and unconditional love. The voluntary triggering of these emotional states was found to increase coherence in both heart rhythm and in the autonomic nervous system which regulates heart rate, breathing and other vital functions. This results in a positive effect on all psychological and physical functions.

It has also been found that people’s perception of stress shifted as they developed an inner resilience or “stress hardiness”. This translates to being less prone to react negatively to stress and being better able to actively manage and reduce unavoidable stress. That is all great news, but there is more. Improvements have also been documented with physical performance, creativity, problem solving and intuition.

The heart-mind
Researchers are reporting that the heart has a mind of its own and is a major factor in how we perceive and respond to the world. The heart has been found to be a very complex processing center that doesn’t just receive information from the brain; it is often the originator of information with the brain being the second responder. This influences the brain to send smoother signals back to the body. Our heart and mind are in an ongoing and intricate two way conversation and we can benefit if we know how to participate.

Have you noticed that when you are in love you get sick less often and seem to be able to handle life with more ease, grace and self-confidence? Research is documenting the why and how of this, but you do not have to wait for the results or to fall in love to benefit. Start now by creating loving feelings from within. Begin with a choice to let go of negativity and shift to feelings that you do want. It may take some practice, but you have the power to create profound change from within with some very simple techniques.

The recorded programs on our store offer you a variety of ways to harness the power of your body-mind-spirit to create more health, happiness, abundance and peace of mind.

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