The human energy system comprising, among other things, the seven chakras, is a wonderful map that can help us discover the barriers to our internal freedom. However, we do not live in a vacuum. Our outer world is often a mirror of what is occurring within our psyches. The Feng Shui Bagua, therefore, offers us a tool for further exploration and expanding our self knowledge.
As we look at both of these maps of awareness €“ the chakras and the bagua, we can also identify the strengths and abilities that are present within us already. Understanding the foundations of Feng Shui and the Chakra System, coupled with techniques based on those systems, provide a variety of options for releasing negative patterns and for cultivating innate strengths and abilities.
The energy system, both its outer and the inner manifestation, provides us with more than a means to achieve our goals in the
world; it can also take us beyond the common mind and helps us expand into a higher consciousness that brings much more depth, purpose, meaning and joy to all of life. A light heart and a joyous spirit make for a happy ride!
Excerpt from Sacred Truths; For more information click here:
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