How Do You Live in Wholeness?

SC-308-Madeira-IMG_1905We are spiritual beings traveling in human bodies through this earth plane–we need to honor all aspects of our being through having/developing the means to live in an integrated way…body, mind and spirit.  
 One of the things that I notice a lot is people trying to shift into more positive mind states and  thinking that they cannot have “negative” feelings if they want to create good things in life and be happy.This attitude can cause a lot of difficulty for our mental, physical and spiritual health and really does not help whatever positive outcomes one is trying to manifest.

Embracing feelings and having the means to “work” with them contributes to our wholeness as well as our enlightenment.

We are meant to feel. We are human and are wired to feel the full gamut of emotion. We cannot simply hop over to a positive mind state and gloss over whatever negative feelings we may have.
All our feelings are messengers. They are giving us important information about ourselves and our world. For instance, anger can be a signal that our boundaries are being continually crossed. The anger is a signal to us. Of course it is not useful to volley anger out into the world onto whoever crosses you! But we do need to honor the feeling. Finding positive ways that allow the feeling to move through you with no harm to self or other is the way to go. Once you have allowed the feeling to move through you in a healthy way, you will be able to return to balance again and it will then become possible to shift into a higher mind/feeling state.
If we have a lot of accumulated baggage in the emotional department this shift may not be as easy  to accomplish as it would be if we were simply handling this one episode of emotion. In that case you may need to give yourself some time on a regular basis to develop better emotional management skills. Working with your breath to release powerful pent up emotions, EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), journaling, imagery and learning how to communicate feelings appropriately can all help you.
Being a human being means embracing and accepting all parts of ourselves—body, mind, emotions and spirit. And perhaps more importantly—having a means to “work” with each aspect to integrate them into a cohesive whole that allows you to live your life with peace, harmony and optimal well being!