
How Fearful Emotions Make You Vulnerable to Deception

Fearful emotions are not unknown to any of us. Understanding their powerful impact opens the door to freedom and change that empowers rather than weakens.

This was recorded some time ago but the message is still meaningful. Dr. Lipton explains in a clear and concise way how fear affects the brain and makes us open to manipulation from outside ourselves. This is an important concept to grasp as it has ramifications for us in every area of our lives. Fearful emotions are triggered by the media, businesses, politicians, healthcare and other industries to motivate people to buy. The same dynamic also sadly operates in relationships.

Stop for a moment and think about times when you have been stymied by fearful emotions, reacted and made choices that did not serve you well in the long run. (self knowledge sets you free. When we know better we do better!)

Understanding the effect of fear on your brain can motivate us to learn new ways to shift away from negative automatic responses, stay in charge of our inner landscape and make better choices—responses and choices that strengthen you rather than weaken you!

I have noticed that my brain feels frozen and even like I can feel the neural circuits all jumbled when I feel fear. Meditation, mindfulness and EFT have helped me immensely in not simply noticing my reactions but being able to shift the energy flow in my brain so I am less vulnerable to the negative repercussions of brain drain!

Have you noticed how your responses vary from your norm when you feel fear rather than peace and calm?

What do you do to shift out of brain drain??

Love is the opposite of fear. Training yourself to experience loving emotions can set up strong neural pathway to create powerful neurochemistry to offset fear. Our recorded program, Letting Go: The Heart of Healing has three techniques to help you learn how to release old patterns of reactivity and install new patterns of loving kindness. Learn more here: http://www.livingenergyworks.com/letting-go-download/