
What Role Does Expectation Play in Change and Creativity?

Expectation, change and creativity
Change and creativity— So many aspects enter into the equation when we are trying to navigate the former and embrace the latter! One aspect that may not be commonly thought about with either of these topics is that of expectation.

The brain, change and expectation
Neuroscience is showing us however that we should think about expectations. It has been clearly demonstrated that the brain actually changes its activity based on our expectations!
In one experiment individuals were instructed to expect to see color even though they were viewing black and white their brains made the same changes as if they had actually perceived color.
This is very exciting! Imagine! The brain responds to the choice you make about how you want (or in this case are told—much like in life!) to perceive something! So it seems to follow that the brain can shift from a closed, preconceived way of processing to a more open creative one should we make that choice and adopt that intention.

The fact that our brain changes its process in response to our expectation is not simply interesting. This and other similar research is pointing to the notion that we are all much more the driver of our own bus than we ever thought! We always have the choice to discount this information, resist it and or ignore it altogether like a news bulletin we opt to not receive. Haven’t we all at one time or another felt the hurt, confusion and righteousness inherent in being the victim of circumstances? We experience ourselves as the one affected rather than the one with the power within our lives. It is a major cultural conditioning that has kept us imprisoned within our own inner cell for centuries!

Responsibility, choice and outcome
The process of choice making and its ramifications continues to work whether we are aware of it and consciously using it or not. If we do not take responsibility for our part in the process then the outcomes in life may not be as we would like.

Responsibility is a daunting word, but in this case it ultimately leads to freedom and can become a source of deep peace and joy. But we have to try it, stay with it and practice, practice, practice before we can really experience that in any ongoing way. But once we do life changes beautifully!

We do not control everything, but we can exercise more influence than we have thought possible. The tools we use in learning to use our higher minds –such as learning to use expectation positively–are the same ones that build inner strength, stress hardiness and the ability to remain centered within our own higher heart-mind. And those abilities stand us in good stead when we do have to navigate any stormy seas that arise out of our control or influence.