
Expanded consciousness and perception contributes to wholeness and health

Trauma separates us from our wholeness…from the essence of our Being. When we are in our wholeness we experience more flow states.

When we operate from higher consciousness rather than from ego,
we experience more flow and less resistance. Being able to notice the
flow experience and differentiate it from resistance states allows us
to be more in charge of our energy. This deeper awareness allows us
to shift our energy and correct imbalances earlier rather than later.

Signs of Being in Flow
• Anything that feels good
• Acceptance – no internal conflict
• Move toward goals fluidly
• Able to shift, back off, change
• Energy is high
• Ease in relating to others
• Let go of any conflict with ease
• Work toward resolution
• Let go of rigid attitudes, sense of competition, need for
• Time passes quickly
• Realistic timing rather than force
• Experience being in the present
• Feel sense of being centered within a spiritual state
• Experiencing a lot of synchronicity and/or coincidence

Note that these are ideals to be moved toward, not end points to be
perfectly achieved. As humans we naturally ebb and flow with life
experience. We can develop the ability to meet all experience from
strength, releasing that which does not serve us and embodying
higher frequencies that expand our integration of the human and the
spiritual. At best, expect to experience a growing ability to “be there,”
know when you have slipped out, and rejoin the flow as soon as you

Signs of Resistance
• Anything that doesn’t feel good
• Feeling scattered, nerves frazzled
• Increase of any physical health symptoms
• Frustration
• Emotions blocked, numbed, inhibited, or histrionic
• Consumed by problem, cannot stop thinking or feeling it
• Others upset you easily, conflicted communication, and poor
• Fighting stance, tightening of mind and body
• Suffering
• Energy drained
• Fearful
• Pushing against your will
• Feeling disempowered
Omit self-judgments if you notice these states. We are always
learning and we need to continually adopt a persistent attitude of
kindness towards self!

Excerpted from Fully Human, Fully Alive: Embodying the Wisdom of the Chakras. Paperback or Kindle version info here: https://amzn.to/3bsocXV